Buchanan Area Chamber of Commerce will host a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the new Spice For Life Coaching office!
Join the Buchanan Area Chamber of Commerce as we celebrate the opening of the new Spice For Life Coaching office with a ribbon cutting and open house!
Tuesday, June 20th at 5:30PM - 3130 Geyer Rd, Niles, MI 49120
"Now there is a space for clients to come to in person, a quiet location away from the hustle and bustle of life. The surroundings on the outside are calming as is the cozy space inside."
[Niles, Michigan, June 8, 2023 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE] - Spice for Life Coaching will celebrate the ribbon cutting ceremony of its new office building performed by the Buchanan Area Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, June 20th at 5:30pm. The office is located at 3130 E. Geyer Road, Niles, MI 49120. Members of the media are invited to the grand opening and ribbon cutting celebration. Light refreshments will be served.
Like slicing a wedding cake, throwing a cap in the air upon graduation, the act of cutting a ribbon into two pieces symbolizes the idea of new beginnings and builds anticipation with the promise of an exciting future for Spice for Life Coaching. Now there is a space for clients to come to in person, a quiet location away from the hustle and bustle of life. The surroundings on the outside are calming as is the cozy space inside.
Sabine Wheetley, owner of Spice for Life Coaching stated, “This is a dream come true, it may be a small insignificant space to some, but to me this is the grand beginning of endless possibilities. I call myself a Life Doula, the support that many need in between the dash. I am here to guide my clients into finding what is already within themselves.”
Not only is this space great to see clients face to face, but Spice for Life Coaching has also already hosted a fabulous one-day retreat on the property. A monthly free woman circle called the Sunflower Bunch is hosted every first Wednesday of the month. Sabine Wheetley, certified life and health coach through the Health Coach Institute, is already planning so many more events here.
As a life and health coach, Sabine works one-on-one with individuals who want to improve their health and well-being. Sabine uses concepts drawn from psychology, behavior change, and life coaching fields. A life/health coach helps their client overcome obstacles to maintain healthy habits for life. Sabine encompasses the mental, physical, health and spiritual aspects of your life. As your coach she puts you in charge of creating your flourishing life, but also provides the tools, methods, and supportive relationship that ensures greater success.